Curing the pain

    In reality human being is mature when he or she fells the suffer and pain of one of his brother or sister that live in a society which faced with a different kinds of problem and hardship. apprarence of only sexual desire doesnt mean to be mature , but human being is mature when he could control over his sexual desire and emotion and being humble with respect to others.
       Whenever a part of the body suffer pain the other part wont be calm and in ease, to relieve this pain we try to seek the doctor help and run to reach to hospital , the same is practiceable in the above situation , if one are in trouble it is not individual and it is related to other part of the society.
                 In todays society life is very disappointed, as many people suffer very hard time , lots of pain and measery , but no body not only help and pay attention , but also they ignore it, it is like a person who has a pain and he feels pain and you block it with anaesthetics, regardless of right cure of the problem, so he had a problem but coundnt feel it. our society is masked that coudnt express thier sorrow and suffering.  
        so the only solution to come out of this ignorance and in order to  be aware of ones suffering and pain, we are supposed to be not selfish and also foreget about self importance and to underestand who am I and there is no better in me than other human beings , as to look and think the world and live for the right angle. From time to time reach  each one in hardship and be helpful.

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Elyas Sultani

Hælisleitandi frá Afgahanistan


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